Saturday, January 15, 2011


Things have gone pretty well for the quit smoking program until today... I stopped and bought a pack, but have only smoked 3. I really wish I hadn't and am making a renewed effort to NOT SMOKE !!

I've been crabby all day too. Probably because of not smoking until today. I even fell asleep at 8:30 last night because I wanted one so bad and figured that if I went to sleep I would forget about it. Slept like 10 hours before having to get up. But I did go back to sleep for another hour and a half.

Did some arm workouts today too! Going to walk tonight after dinner. I need to keep that up too!

Work was Okay yesterday, nothing to write home about. Helped some customers, they were happy, so that's always good.  :o)

Not looking forward to work tomorrow, but at least I'm working 8-5 and not 10-7 !

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

1.12.11 Made it

First day of not smoking. It was tough after eating lunch and dinner, but the nicorette came in handy and eased the urge off.

Work was a typical - OMG WE HAVE BIG-WIGS COMING SO RUN AROUND WITH OUR HEADS CUT OFF day.. Oh well, I enjoy helping customers and just do the best I can.

Home now and trying to relax some. Really worn out today even though I was pretty darn hyper for about an hour after work. Not sure what the deal was, no sugar rush or anything...

Not much else going on today, so I'm signing off for now..

Nightynoo Buckaroos !!

Welcome to MaGs Blant !

Hello and Welcome to my Blant.

A Blant is a combination of BLog and rANT. I borrowed the idea from someone else, but I feel that it will serve this purpose rather well.

 A little about me;

  I'm 37 years old divorced male who has found the most wonderful woman in the world. I truly have found the love of my life and look forward to many, many years with Melissa.

 I work Retail at a Home Improvement Store, so that will be my main rant area of interest. It's really a great place to work and most of the people there are fun to work with. I have to be careful with what I say on here as I don't want to get in trouble. ;)

 I have decided to quit smoking after almost 20 years and I am going to chronicle my experience with quitting smoking on here quite a bit. I hope to use this to help me in the endeavor to quit smoking. I'm using patches, a support group as well as Nicotine gum and flavored toothpicks to get me out of this terrible habit.

 Both my parents smoked and both have problems due to smoking. That is another reason I am going to quit !!

I also plan to share my experiences in several of my hobbies on here. I will delve into those at a little later date as I have to go to work...   :(

 Off to get ready for work, but I will keep this going as long as I can.
